Monday, January 31, 2011

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie ... oi, oi, oi!

After an abnormally rainy two days in Singapore -- non-stop downpour -- I have had enough. It is a Sunday afternoon, the Australian Open Men's Finals were on, and I decide it was time to try the Australian bar/restaurant across the river from me. It's always pleasantly crowded, and they show Australian and English sports (cricket world cup coming up!) and, oddly, NBA basketball.

Figuring it's a very casual bar, I mosey over in work out clothes, with no make-up and after a perfunctory shower. Oops. The place is packed. There are NO seats in sight, but plenty of drunk Aussie and British men offering a seat at their table. I pass (again -- gym clothes and no make up), as fortunately, the hostess has a table in the back that isn't booked for another two hours. Score.

The menu is making my mouth water, as I haven't really eaten since breakfast: fish and chips, Cajun salmon, various kinds of pizza.

I pondered what beer pairs well with "peppered kangaroo loin". Clueless, I opted instead for a wagyu beef burger with bacon and egg. Makes up for not having breakfast.

Aussies are a fun group. They are packed into this open air restaurant/bar, relentlessly cheering on Andy Murray (who incidentally, I learned I was NOT cheering for, per my friend Des).

My Pure Blonde pint and wagyu beef burger made me quite content. Two pints land a glass of rose later...perhaps a bit over-kill. Fortunately i wasn't drinking alone, as Arwen (a non-elvish one) joined me for the last game or two.

Non-Andy Murray won (yay!)

Entente cordiale with geckos and snails

As tensions rise between important countries around the world, I'm pleased to report good news in Singapore. Ceasefire has been declared between me and certain tropical creatures of prey. Roaches, particularly large, flying ones that harass my friends -- you still need to be wary.

I have a friendly relationship with the snails that slither around my garden and pool area. Perhaps because they move slowly and don't come in the house.

I often try to save them from being stepped on but they don't let me pick them up.
This one is big!

I also have achieved peaceful relations with the geckos, as they are easier to deal with than the large, stubborn iguanas we encountered in Mexico.

I'm contemplating adding crows to the enemy list, as they've started landing on my window sill -- when the window is open with no screens, which creates a potentially volatile situation.